
by Jessica Moreno
I could cut myself with these edges,
white glistening diamond edges...
48 eyes and 24 mouths,
a whirling moving frothing ocean
crashing into rocks,
big brown rocks with long eyelashes.
The only thing keeping this mess together
is a frame.
White calcium chalky frame
losing shape
losing strength.
The beach front brown sand I am
in mounds and curves alike
seems to make me wider,
a feeling the chaos fights.
I’m a whirlwind with a great big heart,
waves shattering...
I’ve got a thousand sides and half are smart.
I’m an ocean with a leak.

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.