My Belief or Your Badosa?

by Amita Dhillon Singh
First Prize, Poetry
To believe is to trust,
To trust is to accept,
To accept is to think.

I believe in my heart,
My heart trusted you,
You have accepted me,
I think this relationship is dead.

I say believe in me,
You say badosa rakho mujpe,
I say trust me,
You say yakeen karo humpar,
I say accept me and my life,
You say maano meri batein,
I say think about my feelings,
You say sochta hu.

I believe that languages are like red and orange.
Red and orange clash,
You and I clash,
I believe in English
Your badosa is in Hindi.

I believe orange and red may always clash
You and I won’t always clash.
We have found different shades of one another,
Shades that compliment one another when together.
I believe that I am the shade of red,
That compliments the orange shade of fall.
You are my orange shade of fall is my belief.

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.