
by Ligia Pacheco
La oscuridad inmensa
y el silente viento
que cubrió mi alma
me envolvió en su manto
y en sus Fuertes ondas
me llevó consigo
y en el mundo mudo
alcanzar yo pude
divisar tu rostro
que munca tuve
me entregué en el triste
recorder continuo
los momentos dulces
que en pasión contuve
por largas horas
lloré tu ausencia
y dormí añorando
el despertar triunfal
de tenerte siempre
y descansar en paz


The immense darkness
and the silent wind
that covered my soul
and wrapped me in his cloak
and took me with him
in his strong waves
and in a deaf world
I could barely
see your face
which I never had
I turned myself into the sad
permanent memory
of the sweet moments
whose passion I hold
for long hours
I shed tears for your absence
and I fell asleep wishing
the victorious awakening
of having you always
and to rest in peace

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.