
We love publishing The Ram’s Tale in the spring semester because all over campus there is energy abounding and it feeds our creative souls! The elm, crepe myrtle and pistache trees are glorious with all the different shades of green bursting from their seemingly sleeping branches. The flowering Camilla, azalea and Indian hawthorne are riotous in their colors! The sky can be the brightest blue holding up the biggest white clouds one day and the next, its hue can change to a dark stormy canvas. Students, faculty, staff—all busy with their academic work at hand—can also be seen transforming into flip-flop, sandal-wearing, bare-armed animated beings ready for the warm weather, and perhaps, summer adventure!

Within these pages The Ram’s Tale editors have managed to capture some of the energy generated by Fresno City College students through their written word, two-dimensional art and photography. From the poems about Fresno air and sunsets to photography that captures innocence and the inside of our wonderful soon-to-be-restored Old Administration Building, this is the energy-filled life being explored in this edition. Viva la spring!

Managing Editors,

Zay Logan and Margaret Hiebert

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.