Escalando Hacia Las Estrellas

by Tannya Villalvazo
English translation

Cuando yo era pequena sonaba con tantas cosas
Que sentia tocar las estrellas.
Ahora que los anos pasan, la vida me da mas suenos por alcansar.
Unos grandes, otros chicos, y unos imposibles de tocar.
Son tan bellos que me siento comprometida a volar.
Pero soy tan debil que me canso de caminar.
No persigo mi camino y me siento a descansar.
Mi mente se pierde entre tanta hermosusa por encontrar.

Mi corazon sigue vivo, gracias a una luz que ilumino mi camino al tartar
de escapar de la realidad.
Encontre la luz en mi vida pero todavia no se que camino tomar.
Soy tan ciega que no veo a mi angel guardian.
Soy tan sorda que no escucho las voces que me quieren salvar.
Cual es mi destino? Y cual de todos mis suenos se hara realidad?
Es lo que yo me pregunto y no me se contestar.
Quiza con el tiempo, mi respuesta llegara.

Espero hacer algo que nadie a logrado;
Traer un cambio a nuestro mundo que sea bien apreciado.
Asi, como el gran Don Quijote De La Mancha, un gran caballero,
Lucho almenos en suenos por extender la mano al mas miserable y desvalido.
Asi yo tomare su ejemplo y le tendere la mano a los mas necesitados.
Brindare mi amor a los mas desgraciados,
Impondre la igualdad entre el ser humano,
Dare honor al ser mas deshonorado

Despertare la ilusion en aquellos desilusionados
Luchare con mi esperanza para desintoxicar un planeta envenenado
por el ser humano
Deslumbrare el amor que dios me a dado
Y despejare del aire el odio que nos esta apagando.

Quisiera darle uso a las habilidades que Dios me a regalado.
Habilidades que muchos tienen y no han apreciado.
Quiza porque le temen al fracaso.

Pero yo les pregunto a ustedes que piensan que es major, vivir la vida
Que sigue adelante y aprender de nuestros fracasos y derrotas
O quedarse sentado esperando a que por arte de magia lleguen las
cosas que quizas nunca llegaran?
Que es major para ti?
Siguiendo con mi tema, yo quisiera decirles que si estan vivos o
muertos, todos tienen un

Todos nosotros tenemos la capacidad de cambiar lo malo por lo bueno
Y no lo bueno por lo malo.
Por mi parte soy una persona con una esperanza que abarca todo el cielo.
Con ideas radicales, posiblemente un poco irreales.
Pero eso no importa,
Lo importante es tener un sueno y luchar por ello.
El ser caballero no es lo mas fantasioso, al contrario,
Lo mas inalcansable es lo mas probable.

En fin, espero que la escalera sea lo suficientemente larga para
alcanzar las estrellas.
Si no lo es, armare mis propios escalones con toda mi fe y fuerza,
Y llegare a cumplir mi sueno de estar frente a frente con aquellas bellezas.


Reaching for the Stars
(English Translation)
When I was a young I dreamt with many things
That I felt as if I were touching the stars.
Now that the years pass, life gives me more dreams; more stars to reach for.
They are so beautiful that I feel compromised to fly.
But I’m so weak that I get tired of going on.
I don’t follow my path; instead, I sit down
To rest while time passes me by.
My mind gets lost between all the beauty that is left to find.

My heart is still alive thanks to a light that shined into my life
As I tried to escape from reality in the nick of time.
I found the light in my life, but I yet wonder which road will be mine.
I am so blind that I ignore my guardian angel.
I am so deaf that I do not hear the voices that are willing to save my life.
What is my destiny? And which of all of my dreams will come alive?
That is what I ask myself, but the answers I cannot find.
Perhaps with time my answers will arrive.

I hope to do something that no one yet has accomplished—
Bring a change to our world that is well-valued
Just like the great Don Quixote De La Mancha, a grand knight,
Fighting at least in dreams and extending his hand to the unhappy.
In that way, I will follow his example and extend my hand to the
people who are dying
of hunger and to the ones who die for nothing.
I will offer my love to the less valued,
I will impose equality within the human race,
I will honor those who have been dishonored.

I will awaken illusions in those disenchanted.
I will fight with my hope to purify a planet that has been poisoned and darkened
by the human being.
I will reflect the love that God has given me,
And I will cleanse the air from all of the hatred that is not letting us live.

I would like to give use to the abilities that God has given to me—
Abilities that many have but haven’t yet valued,
Perhaps because they are afraid of failure.

I would like to ask you what you think is better—
Live life that goes on and learn from your failures and losses,
Or remain seated hoping that with magic things will arrive when most probably
they will never happen?
What is better for you?
Continuing with my theme, I would like to tell you all
That if dead or alive, we all have a destiny; we all have dreams.

We all have the capacity to change what is evil for what is righteous
And not what is righteous for what is evil.
For my part, I am a person with a desire that covers the whole sky—
With radical ideas, possibly a bit unreal.
But that doesn’t matter,
It is more important to have a dream, something to fight for.
Being a knight is not the most bizarre thing; on the contrary,
The unreachable is the most probable.

In short, I hope that the ladder is sufficiently long to reach the stars.
If it isn’t, I will build my own steps with all of my strength,
And I will accomplish my dream of being face to face with those beauties.

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.