Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

216 2018-2019 Catalog Industrial Technology - Information Systems INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY (IT) 205 FOUNDATION SKILLS IN INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY 2 units, 2 lecture hours, .5 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 125, 126 and Mathematics 201. This course will cover the foundation skills in Industrial Technology and supply the basic skills and orientation to enter Reedley College’s manufacturing program. Safety, measuring, use of shop tools and power equipment are among the skills that will be introduced and reinforced. Also includes field trips to local manufacturing industry. INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IS) 15 COMPUTER CONCEPTS 3 units, 3 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 126 or 128, and Mathematics 201. This course provides an introduction to computer and information systems concepts and terminology, an overview of hardware, and software (systems and applications including word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation and programming), the history of the microcomputer, privacy and legal issues, telecommunications (email and Internet), types of information systems and their roles in business, and the systems development life cycle. A grade of “C” or better in this course fulfills the computer familiarity requirement. (A, CSU, UC) (C-ID ITIS 120) 16 WORD PROCESSING 1.5 units, 1.5 lecture hours, .5 lab hour, pass/ no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. This course provides an introduction to word processing for the business manager. This course will include creating, editing, formatting, saving and printing documents. A number of advanced topics will be introduced. This course includes a survey of current word processing applications. The student is expected to complete assignments in the computer laboratory outside of class. (A, CSU) 18 SPREADSHEET FUNDAMENTALS 1.5 units, 1.5 lecture hours, .5 lab hour, pass/ no pass ADVISORIES: Mathematics 201. This course provides an introduction to spreadsheet fundamentals for the business manager. This course will cover creating and formatting worksheets, using formulas and functions, and creating graphs using a spreadsheet. The student is expected to complete assignments in the computer laboratory outside of class. (A, CSU) 19V COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 1-8 units, 75 hours/unit paid employment or 60 hours/unit volunteer employment Supervised employment, directly related to student’s major in information systems. Students earn units using the following formula: 75 hours of paid work or 60 hours of volunteer work = 1 unit. Students may earn a total of 6 units in work experience per semester. Note: Repetition of Cooperative Work Experience courses is allowable under Title 5, §55253. (A, CSU) 26A DATABASE CONCEPTS AND DESIGN 3 units, 3 lecture hours, 1 lab hour PREREQUISITES: Information Systems 15 or equivalent. ADVISORIES: English 126 or 128 and Mathematics 201. This course provides an introduction of database concepts and fundamentals for the business manager. The course covers the concepts of the relational database, creating and editing database tables, using relational and logical operators, creating queries with QBE and SQL, creating and printing reports, and sorting and indexing database files using a current database application. (A, CSU) 26B ADVANCED DATABASE CONCEPTS AND DESIGN 1.5 units, 1.5 lecture hours, .5 lab hour PREREQUISITES: Information Systems 26A. ADVISORIES: Information Systems 31; eligibility for English 1A and Mathematics 201. Intermediate topics to relational-database concepts and fundamentals for business application: database administration and security, advanced structured-query language (SQL), events programming, and complex reports. (A, CSU)