Reedley College Catalog 2018-19
215 Course Descriptions 2018-2019 Catalog Honors - Individual Study 3C HONORS FORUM-NATURAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Acceptance into the Honors Program. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A or 1AH. An interdisciplinary investigation of a contemporary issue through the perspective of those disciplines considered part of the natural and biological sciences. Content will vary each semester as determined by student research interests. Enrolled students will be required to present their research to an Honors committee as the culminating portion of the course. (A, CSU, UC*) 3D HONORS FORUM-SOCIAL SCIENCES 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Acceptance into the Honors Program. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A or 1AH. An interdisciplinary investigation of a contemporary issue through the perspective of those disciplines considered part of the Social Sciences. Content will vary each semester as determined by student research interests. Enrolled students will be required to present their research to an Honors committee as the culminating portion of the course. (A, CSU, UC*) HUMAN SERVICES (HS) 19V OCCUPATIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE, HUMAN SERVICES 1-8 units, Work Experience units awarded as follows: 75 hours/unit paid employment or 60 hours/unit volunteer employment PREREQUISITES: Human Services 20. Supervised employment directly related to the student’s major and/or career goals in the field of Human Services. Success on the job, including interpersonal, problem solving, and communication skills; office dynamics and adapting to change. Group interaction. Collaborative learning activities specific to human services. Learning objectives established specific to human services. Finger printing may be required upon some field placements. Students may enroll for a maximum of 8 units per semester. Students may earn a total of 16 units in work experience of which only 6 may be in COTR 19G. Note: Repetition of Cooperative Work Experience courses is allowable under Title 5, §55253. (A, CSU) 20 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WELFARE 3 units, 3 lecture hours ADVISORIES: English 1A. This course is an introduction to the social, economic, political, historical and philosophical components of the development of social welfare and social work in Western society. A special emphasis is placed on concepts such as the history, knowledge base, value systems, and specific fields of social work practice. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 24 FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERVIEWING AND COUNSELING 3 units, 3 lecture hours ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. An introduction to principles and theories of interviewing and counseling for professionals going into the field of Counseling, Psychology and Social Work. This course focuses on specific micro and macro skills within a human service setting. Analysis of the dynamics between counselor and clients will be examined. The Code of Ethics and principle of the human service profession will be addressed. (A, CSU) 30 GROUP AND COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICES 3 units, 3 lecture hours ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Methods of social work intervention with individual, group, and community; problem analysis and available services. (A, CSU) INDIVIDUAL STUDY (INDST) 49 (COURSE TITLE TO BE SELECTED) 1-2 units, 54 hours per unit, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125, 126, and Mathematics 201. An individual student’s exploration in depth of a selected topic not covered in the classes offered in the college. In cooperation with an instructor, the student will develop a research or creative project which culminates in an appropriate paper, report, composition, or other product. A student who wishes to complete this course must develop the outline of the project and begin the arrangements for the project with an instructor before signing up for the course. (A, CSU, UC*) *Note: UC to determine transfer credit after enrolled at UC based on review of course syllabus
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