Reedley College Catalog 2018-19
212 2018-2019 Catalog Geology - Health Science 9 INTRODUCTION TO EARTH SCIENCE 4 units, 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A and Mathematics 201. This course is an introduction to the earth sciences with an emphasis on basic topics and principles in geology. The major concepts of oceanography, hydrology, meteorology, and astronomy are also examined in detail. This course may be used for the transfer degree in Liberal Studies. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 10 ROCKS, FOSSILS, AND MINERALS 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Identification, origin, and use of common and important rocks, minerals and fossils, including an introduction to crystallography. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) GERMAN (GERMAN) 1 BEGINNING GERMAN 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Beginning course in conversational and written German for non-native speakers, intended for students without previous exposure to German. Introduction to pronunciation, vocabulary, idioms, grammar, basic composition, and exploration of the cultures of German-speaking countries and regions. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 2 HIGH-BEGINNING GERMAN 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: German 1, or 2 years of high school German or the equivalent. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Second-semester course in conversational and written German for non-native speakers. Development of grammatical structures and expansion of vocabulary. Further study of the cultures of German-speaking countries and regions. Introduction to the literary text. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 3 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: German 2, or 3 years of high school German or the equivalent. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Third-semester course in conversational and written German for non-native speakers. Review of basic grammar. Further development of oral skills and grammatical structures and continued expansion of vocabulary. Composition and discussion of short literary texts. Increased emphasis on reading and writing as tools in exploring the cultures of German-speaking countries and regions. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 4 HIGH-INTERMEDIATE GERMAN 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: German 3, or 4 years of high school German or the equivalent. ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. Fourth-semester course in conversational and written German for non-native speakers. Development of proficiency of grammar and language usage. Continued exploration of current topics and cultures of German-speaking countries and regions as reflected in the language and literature. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) HEALTH SCIENCE (HLTH) 1 CONTEMPORARY HEALTH ISSUES 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is designed to introduce the student to a comprehensive study of personal and community health. This course will also introduce the student to health issues at the local, state, and national levels. (A, CSU-GE, UC) 2 FIRST AID AND SAFETY 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 or 126. This course is designed to prepare citizen responders with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to emergency and first-aid situations. First aid, CPR, and AED for adults, children and infants are included in this course. Students will be eligible to take American Red Cross certification exams upon successful completion of each respective content area. (A, CSU, UC) (C-ID KIN 101)
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