Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

199 Course Descriptions 2018-2019 Catalog English - English as a Second Language 260A BASIC READING: INTRODUCTION TO READING 2 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass only English 260A is a general introduction to reading. This course includes vocabulary skill development, learning and utilizing the reading process, reading strategies and comprehension development. English 260A encourages a positive attitude toward reading. This course is equivalent to the first half of ENGL 260, and placement is through the college assessment process. 260B BASIC READING: READING STRATEGIES 2 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass only English 260B includes a variety of individual and group activities for improved reading comprehension and vocabulary development. Active reading strategies are used to determine main ideas and supporting details. This course is equivalent to the second half of ENGL 260 and prepares students for English 262. Placement is determined through the college assessment process. 262 READING IMPROVEMENT 5 units, 5 lecture hours, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: English 260 or English as a Second Language 266R or placement by college assessment process. Students’ basic reading skills are developed into pre-collegiate proficiencies in vocabulary usage, literal comprehension, and analytical reading skills. Students develop reading and reporting strategies for different types of academic writing. This course should be taken in a student’s first or second semester. This course prepares students for English 126. Students are recommended to take this course concurrently with a composition course (English 125 or English 252). 262B READING IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES 2 units, 1.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: English 260 or 260B or English as a Second Language 266R or placement by college assessment process. English 262B is the second nine week segment of ENGL 262. This course includes a variety of group and individual skill development activities in phonetic and structural analysis, basic contextual vocabulary, and literal and basic comprehension skills to foster independent reading proficiency. This course prepares students for English 126. It is recommended to be taken concurrently with English 252 or English 125. 272 ASSISTANCE IN COLLEGE READING AND WRITING .5-1 unit, 1.5-3 lab hours, pass/no pass only This course is intended for any student requiring help with reading assignments and written compositions in any discipline. The course will provide intensive assistance in reading, writing, and critical thinking. Students will develop, improve, and refine compositions and academic reading skills to sustain focus, and employ analysis, reflection, organization, and logical structure. All stages of the reading and writing process are practiced. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) 117G ADVANCED ACADEMIC GRAMMAR 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Successful completion of English as a Second Language 227G or 327G or appropriate multiple-measure placement by a counselor, which includes score on approved ESL placement test and/or counselor/instructor recommendation. ESL 117G is a grammar skills course designed for speakers of other languages who want to comprehend and use grammar structures in written and oral academic English. This advanced course may be taken concurrently with other ESL, English, or collegiate level courses. (A)