Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

191 Course Descriptions 2018-2019 Catalog Development Services 241 BRIDGE TO COLLEGE ARITHMETIC 2 units, 1 lecture hour, 4 lab hours, pass/no pass only This course is designed for students with learning disabilities who have math skills below those required for Math 260. Students will develop skills in the mechanics and applications of arithmetic involving computing with whole numbers and solving word problems necessary for Math 260. Placement in course may be by counselor or faculty referral. This course is also recommended for students who are not successful in completing Math 260. 242 BRIDGE TO COLLEGE READING 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass only This course is designed for students with learning disabilities who have reading skills below those required for English 260. Students will develop skills and strategies for attention, memory, language processing, logical thinking, reading decoding, reading comprehension, and vocabulary necessary for English 260. Students may be placed in this class by counselor or faculty referral. This class is also recommended for students who are not successful in completing English 260. 250 WORKABILITY ASSESSMENT AND CAREER AWARENESS 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass only This course focuses on developing skills in the area of career assessment, career awareness, career exploration, and career development. Students will participate in exercises to help them choose and explore a chosen career path. This course is designed for students with disabilities. 251 WORKABILITY PREPARATION AND JOB PLACEMENT 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass only The course focuses on the development of skills in the areas of work preparation, job placement, and compensatory skills in preparation for work. Students will explore disability issues related to employment, develop an employment portfolio, gain interviewing skills, and become familiar with the Americans with Disabilities Act and disability-related issues in the hiring process. This course is designed for students with disabilities. 252 WORKABILITY STRATEGIES AND JOB MAINTENANCE 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass only This course is designed for students with disabilities. Students will use compensatory skills and strategies related to personal disabilities, work ethics, reasonable accommodations and social skills to help support employment retention. This course is designed for students with disabilities. 255 WORKABILITY EXPERIENCE 1-4 units, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass only The course emphasizes developing skills through work experience in the areas of time management, following directions and instructions, appropriate work behaviors, and planning vocational choices. This course is designed for students with disabilities. 259 STRATEGIES INTERVENTION 2 units, 2 lecture hours The course focuses on developing an understanding of the barriers presented by learning disabilities as well as identification of individual strengths. Students will practice learning strategies that will help them in the areas of motivation, concentration, listening comprehension, short and long term memory, note taking, reading comprehension, test taking, and classroom communication. This course is designed for students with an identified learning disability or who may have a learning disability. 262 GROUP INTERACTION FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass only This course focuses on the development of self- understanding and social skills through group interactions. Students will participate in topic discussions and practice using appropriate social skills through interactions with other individuals and small groups. This course is designed for students with disabilities.