Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

186 2018-2019 Catalog Counseling COUNSELING (COUN) 3A UNDERSTANDING TRANSFER: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY 1 unit, 1 lecture hour, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A and Mathematics 201. This course provides an introduction to the process of transferring to the California State University. Topics will include transfer admission requirements, major and college selection, the application process, and support resources. (A, CSU) 34 CAREER AWARENESS 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A recommended. This course is specifically designed to guide students in selecting a college major leading to a career path. It encompasses self-assessments, career exploration (career research), decision- making and goal-setting skills, and success strategies. (A, CSU) 35 LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER (FORMERLY COUN 173) 1 unit, 1 lecture hour, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A recommended. This course is designed to assist students with developing the needed strategies and skills to effectively prepare for employability within the workforce. Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of a career portfolio, effective interview techniques and professionalism. (A, CSU) 47 LEARNING STRATEGIES 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 1A. This course establishes effective study habits and positive attitudes that will lead to successful achievement of academic goals. The course includes: understanding the psychology of learning, identifying learning styles, obstacles to achievement, goal setting, time management, concentration, active listening, note taking, using a textbook, memory techniques, test taking, vocabulary building, and budgeting resources. (A, CSU) 53 COLLEGE AND LIFE MANAGEMENT 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125, 126, and Mathematics 201. This course is designed for first-year college students. It will prepare students for college life and academic success. Topics will include personal growth and development, academic goal development, campus resources, student success strategies, diversity and cultural awareness, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. (A, CSU-GE, UC) 120 COLLEGE INTRODUCTION 1 unit, 1 lecture hour, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 252 and 262. This is a comprehensive course to assist students in self-assessment, planning for success, time management, and educational planning. Students will familiarize themselves with the Reedley College catalog and will learn about the various campus resources and student services available for their use. (A) 263 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1.5 units, 1 lecture hour, 1.5 lab hours, pass/ no pass A course designed to introduce students to theory, principles, and techniques of leadership. Students will develop practical skills in parliamentary procedures, budgeting, and activity planning through active participation in Associated Student Government. 264 SUCCESSFUL TRANSITION TO COLLEGE 2 units, 2 lecture hours, pass/no pass A course to assist new students in obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve their educational objectives. Strategies for effective college transition and basic survival skills will be explored. Topics will include: motivation and discipline, time management, interpersonal communication skills, learning resources, educational planning, and decision making. Note: Students who have completed Counseling 53 with a “C” or better are not eligible for this course. 281 LIFE STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS 1 unit, 1 lecture hour, pass/no pass only Students will learn skills that will assist them in developing and implementing a personal plan for achieving their life goals.