Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

182 2018-2019 Catalog Child Development 72 CA PRESCHOOL FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS: ENGLISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT 1 unit, 1 lecture hour ADVISORIES: English 1A or 1AH. Introduction to the English language learners domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, preschool, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (A, CSU) 73 CA PRESCHOOL FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS: MATH 1 unit, 1 lecture hour ADVISORIES: English 1A or 1AH. Introduction to the mathematics domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of number sense, algebra and functions, measurement, geometry, and mathematical reasoning. Provides strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, transitional kindergarten, and early- primary teachers. (A, CSU) 74 CA PRESCHOOL FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS: VISUAL ARTS 1 unit, 1 lecture hour ADVISORIES: English 1A or 1AH. Introduction to the visual arts domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations & Frameworks including artistic expression and response, and skills using various art mediums. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, preschool, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (A, CSU) 75 CA PRESCHOOL FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS: PERFORMING ARTS 1 unit, 1 lecture hour ADVISORIES: English 1A or 1AH. Introduction to the performing arts domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including strands of music, drama and dance. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, preschool, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (A, CSU) 76 CA PRESCHOOL FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS: PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT 1 unit, 1 lecture hour ADVISORIES: English 1A or 1AH. Introduction to the physical development domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations & Frameworks including strands of fundamental movement skills, perceptual- motor skills and movement concepts, and active physical play. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks developed for this domain. Applicable to required or Child Development permit holders, preschool, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (A, CSU) 77 CA PRESCHOOL FOUNDATIONS & FRAMEWORKS: HEALTH 1 unit, 1 lecture hour ADVISORIES: English 1A or 1AH. Introduction to the health domain of the California Preschool Learning Foundations and Frameworks including the strands of health habits, safety, and nutrition. Provides practical strategies for implementing the curriculum frameworks. Applicable to required or professional development units for Child Development Permit holders, as well as preschool, transitional kindergarten, and early-primary teachers. (A, CSU)