Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

165 Course Descriptions 2018-2019 Catalog Automotive Technology - Aviation Maintenance Technology 19V COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE, AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN 1-8 units, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 9 and 10. COREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 11. This course is supervised employment, directly related to student’s major of automotive technology. Students earn units using the following formula: for paid work, 75 hours = 1 unit; for volunteer work, 60 hours = 1 unit. Students may enroll for a maximum of 8 units in one enrollment period. Students may earn a total of 16 units in work experience of which only 6 may be in COTR 19G. Note: Repetition of Cooperative Work Experience courses is allowable under Title 5, §55253. (A, CSU) 112 AUTOMOTIVE STEERING AND SUSPENSION 4 units, 3 lecture hours, 3 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 9. ADVISORIES: English 125, 126, or 128 and 130, and Mathematics 201. This course will cover the identification and diagnosis of steering and suspension components. The lab will provide hands-on experience and skills that automotive chassis technicians need to succeed, in the automotive industry. (A) 113 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS 4 units, 3 lecture hours, 3 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 9. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126, or English 128 and 130, and Mathematics 201. This course will cover the diagnosis and repair of automotive brake systems. (A) 114 ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 10 and 11. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126, or English 128 and 130, and Mathematics 201. This course is designed to prepare the students for the Bureau of Automotive Repair Smog Check Licensing Exam. Level 1 Training provides students with the basic knowledge of engine and emission controls needed to move forward with Level 2 Smog Check Procedures Training. Smog check rules and regulations are covered in detail. This course provides an introduction to Smog Check Program inspection procedures and policies mandated by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. (A) 115 SMOG CHECK PROCEDURES TRAINING LEVEL 2 2 units, 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 10, 11, and 114. ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. This course provides students with the procedural knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform Smog Check inspections. Students who complete and pass this course will have met the California Bureau of Automotive Repair training requirements to qualify to take the Smog Check Inspector state licensing examination. (A) 116 INTRODUCTION TO HYBRID & ELECTRIC PROPULSION VEHICLES 4 units, 3 lecture hours, 4 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Automotive Technology 9, 10 and 11. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126, or English 128 and 130, and Mathematics 201. This course is an introduction to safety, operational theory, maintenance, and other service requirements for gasoline- electric hybrid and electric propulsion vehicles. During this course specific safety requirements in regards to hybrid and electric propulsion vehicles will be stressed. (A) AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY (AMT) 11 BASIC ELECTRICITY, PROPELLERS, AND HUMAN FACTORS 3.5 units, 5.83 lecture hours COREQUISITES: Aviation Maintenance Technology 11L, 12, 12L, 13, and 13L. ADVISORIES: English 126 and eligibility for English 125 and Mathematics 201. This lecture course will cover a variety of subject areas required by the Federal Aviation Administration as part of the Aviation Maintenance Technology Program. Topics include: Basic electrical theory and the relationship of voltage, current, and resistance in electrical circuits; the inspection, servicing, and repair of fixed-pitch, constant speed, and feathering type propellers; and the investigation of factors that affect human performance in aviation maintenance. (A, CSU)