Reedley College Catalog 2018-19

160 Animal Science - Anthropology 2018-2019 Catalog 32 INTRODUCTION TO HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS 1 unit, 1 lecture hour COREQUISITES: Animal Science 31 and 33. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is an introduction to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points as a systematic and scientifically based approach to food safety. The identification, monitoring and corrective control of critical hazards in food production facilities are analyzed. (A, CSU) 33 VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION OF HACCP SYSTEMS 1 unit, 1 lecture hour COREQUISITES: Animal Science 31 and 32. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is an introduction to the verification and validation processes necessary to prove that a food safety management system is scientifically valid. Emphasis is placed on the gathering of evidence to assure that safe food products will be produced once the food safety management system is implemented. (A, CSU) 34 INTERNAL AUDITING OF FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours PREREQUISITES: Animal Science 31, 32, and 33. ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course is an introduction to the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct an effective internal audit of food safety management systems. Methods for evaluating regulatory compliance, detecting deficiencies, and implementing corrective and preventative actions will be covered. (A, CSU) 40 LIVESTOCK EXHIBITION ANDMARKETING 2 units, 1 lecture hour, 3 lab hours, 3 repeats ADVISORIES: English 125 and 126. This course covers the subject of shows and sales as applied to various species of livestock. Emphasis will be placed on animal handling techniques, grooming and fitting of livestock, showmanship skill development, animal health management, show and sale rules and entry procedures, and marketing of animals. Students will be required to participate in an intercollegiate livestock show competition and at least one marketing event. This course may be repeated 3 times. (A, CSU) ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTHRO) 1 BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. This course introduces the concepts, methods of inquiry, and scientific explanations for biological evolution and application to the human species. Topics and issues to be addressed may include, but are not limited to: genetics; evolutionary theory; human variation and biocultural adaptations; comparative primate anatomy and behavior; and the fossil evidence for human evolution. The scientific method serves as foundation of inquiry for this course. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 2 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. This course explores how anthropologists study and compare human culture. Cultural anthropologists seek to understand the broad arc of human experience focusing on a set of central issues, including: subsistence patterns; social, political, and economic organization; patterns of communication and creative expression; familial and kinship relations; belief systems; gender, racial and ethnic identity labels; the developmental influence of social inequality; and internal culture change resulting from external forces. Ethnographic case studies and professional anthropological research ethics are employed to introduce students to the tools used to understand humans around the globe. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I) 3 INTRODUCTION TO ARCHAEOLOGY AND PREHISTORY 3 units, 3 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125 and 126. This course is a broad survey of the physical and cultural evolution of humanity from the first use of stone tools to the rise of civilization as understood through the archaeological record. The course includes a discussion of the history, methods, and interdisciplinary nature of archaeological research. (A, CSU-GE, UC, I)