Reedley College Catalog 2018-19
154 Accounting - Agriculture 2018-2019 Catalog Course Descriptions ACCOUNTING (ACCTG) 4A FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. This course covers the accounting information system, examining why it is important and how it is used by investors, creditors, and others to make decisions. It includes recording and reporting of business transactions with a focus on the accounting cycle, and the application of generally accepted accounting principles for the preparation of financial statements. This course includes issues relating to asset, liability, equity valuation, revenue and expense recognition, cash flow, internal control and ethics. (A, CSU, UC) (C-ID ACCT 110) 4B MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour PREREQUISITES: Accounting 4A. ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. This course is a study of howmanagers use accounting information in decision-making, planning, directing operations and controlling. Focuses on cost terms and concepts, cost behavior, cost structure and cost-volume-profit analysis. Includes issues of cost systems, cost control, profit planning, and performance analysis in manufacturing and service environments. (A, CSU, UC) (C-ID ACCT 120) 19V COOPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE, ACCOUNTING 1-8 units, 75 hours/unit paid employment or 60 hours/unit volunteer employment, pass/no pass Supervised employment, directly related to student’s major in accounting. Students may enroll for a maximum of 8 units per semester. Students may earn a total of 16 units in work experience of which only 6 may be in COTR 19G. Note: Repetition of Cooperative Work Experience courses is allowable under Title 5, §55253. (A, CSU) 31 COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING 3 units, 3 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass PREREQUISITES: Accounting 40 or 4A, 2 years high school accounting or equivalent. ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. This class provides an introduction to accounting procedures using QuickBooks accounting software. The class presents the use of various accounting modules, including general ledger, depreciation, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll and inventory control. (A, CSU) 40 APPLIED ACCOUNTING 4 units, 4 lecture hours, 1 lab hour, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 1A and Mathematics 201. This course is designed to introduce basic accounting concepts. Emphasis will be placed on journal entries, posting to ledgers, preparing worksheets, and financial statements for a sole proprietorship operating as a service organization. Ten-key office calculators will be used with an emphasis on speed and accuracy. (A, CSU) 146 INCOME TAX-A SHORT COURSE 1.5 units, 1.5 lecture hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: English 126 or 128 andMathematics 201. This course is designed to assist individuals to prepare their Federal 1040 and the associated schedules. (A) AGRICULTURE (AG) 4 FARM MANAGEMENT 3 units, 2 lecture hours, 3 lab hours, pass/no pass ADVISORIES: Eligibility for English 125, 126, and Mathematics 103. The organization and operation of farm and ranch businesses, identification of factors affecting profitability, evaluation of the business for increased efficiency and profit and the application of budgeting to the laboratory farm. (A, CSU)
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