Reedley College Catalog 2018-19
153 Course Description Information 2018-2019 Catalog CHDEV Child Development CHEM Chemistry CHIN Chinese COMM Communication COTR Cooperative Work Experience Education COUN Counseling CRIM Criminology CSCI Computer Science DA Dental Assisting DANCE Dance DEVSER Developmental Services ECON Economics EDUC Education EH Environmental Horticulture ENGL English ENGR Engineering ESL English as a Second Language ETHNST Ethnic Studies FILM Film FLGHT Flight Science FN Foods and Nutrition FRENCH French GEOG Geography GEOL Geology GERMAN German HONORS Honors HIST History HLTH Health Science INDST Individual Study INTDS Interdisciplinary Studies IS Information Systems IT Industrial Technology JOURN Journalism LIBSKL Library Skills LING Linguistics LITEC Library Technology MAG Mechanized Agriculture MATH Mathematics MFGT Manufacturing Technology MKTG Marketing MM Maintenance Mechanic MUS Music NAT Nursing Assistant Training NR Natural Resources OT Office Technology PE Physical Education PHIL Philosophy PHOTO Photography PHYS Physics PLS Plant Science POLSCI Political Science PSY Psychology SCI Science SLPA Speech Language Pathology Assistant SOC Sociology SPAN Spanish SPST Special Studies STAT Statistics VESL Vocational English as a Second Language Course Number Extensions H Honors I Intensive L Lab LS Language Skills NS Native Speakers R Reading W Writing Deleted Courses (from 2017-2018 Catalog) Flight Science 116 Deleted Programs Effective fall 2018 Flight Science Certificate of Achievement SCCCD Intra-District Articulated Courses The list of “in-lieu” courses that Clovis Community College, Fresno City College and Reedley College (which includes the Madera Community College Center and Oakhurst Community College Center) have agreed to articulate with one another to meet major requirements for an Associate in Arts degree, an Associate in Science degree, or a Certificate of Achievement is available at: Note: It is the student’s responsibility to verify with an academic counselor that the “in-lieu” course(s) successfully completed can meet the respective college’s: (a) local general education; (b) CSU GE pattern; (c) IGETC pattern; and/or (d) major requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT). Do not ask a friend! Additional resources can be found in the respective college’s catalog and .
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