Reedley College Catalog 2018-19
150 2018-2019 Catalog CHDEV 11 The Young Child with Special Needs...................................................... 3 CHDEV 15 Diversity and........... Culture in Early Care and Education Programs.......................... 3 CHDEV 38 Lifespan Development or PSY 38 Lifespan Development ........................... 3 COMM 10 Intercultural Communication.................. 3 LING 10 Introduction to Language ...................... 3 ASL 1 Beginning American Sign Language................................................ 4 Total Units Total Units 40 Advisor(s): Reither WINE PRODUCTION - SEE ENOLOGY, PLANT SCIENCE WORLD LANGUAGES WORLD LANGUAGES (MAJOR #R.5501.AA) ASSOCIATE IN ARTS DEGREE Students will understand the phonological, semantic, and syntactic features of a foreign language and the relationship of that language to one or more cultures in which it is used. Students will possess the receptive skills (listening and reading) and the productive skills (speaking and writing) necessary to achieve communicative competence in at least one foreign language and will be prepared to pursue more advanced study of that language at a four-year institution. Requirements for the major: A minimum of 22 units must be completed for the major. Select at least three courses from a minimum of two languages ............................................................................... 12 CHIN 1 Beginning Chinese .................... 4 CHIN 2 High-Beginning Chinese............ 4 FRENCH 1 Beginning French ...................... 4 FRENCH 2 High-Beginning French ............. 4 FRENCH 3 Intermediate French ................. 4 GERMAN 1 Beginning German .................... 4 GERMAN 2 High-Beginning German ........... 4 GERMAN 3 Intermediate German ............... 4 SPAN 1 Beginning Spanish .................... 4 SPAN 2 High-Beginning Spanish ........... 4 SPAN 3 Intermediate Spanish ............... 4 SPAN 3NS Spanish for Spanish Speakers ................................... 4 SPAN 15 Practical Spanish Conversation, Low-Intermediate Level ........... 3 SPAN 16 Practical Spanish Conversation, High-Intermediate Level ........... 3 Select at least one course ....................................................... 4 FRENCH 4 High-Intermediate French ........ 4 GERMAN 4 High-Intermediate German ...................................... 4 SPAN 4 High-Intermediate Spanish or SPAN 4NS Spanish for Spanish Speakers ................................... 4 SPAN 5 The Short Story: Mexico, Spain, And The U.S. .................. 4 Select one course ..................................................................... 3 LING 10 Introduction to Language or LING 11 Introduction to Language for Teachers .................................... 3 Select one course ..................................................................... 3 ENGL 44A World Literature to the Renaissance .............................. 3 ENGL 44B World Literature Since the Renaissance ....................... 3 ENGL 49 Latino & Chicano Literature .................................. 3 GEOG 6 World Regional Geography.................................. 3 HIST 1 Western Civilization to 1648 .......................................... 3 HIST 2 Western Civilization from 1648 .......................................... 3 Total Units 22 Advisors: Aguirre, Amezola, Vega (Madera) Speech-Language Pathology - World Languages
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