On Naked Flesh, I dance

by Amber Utt
Honorable Mention, Poetry
In the deepness of night, I will rise, full and broken
Through heaven, over earth, to the sky, I have spoken
Though I don't bear a name, you have called me the moon
Many lovers across oceans under me have swooned
Though I shed not a light of my own without sun
I reflect tenderly the daylight undone
Always, without ceasing, I return to you
Sometimes twice a month, when you say that I'm blue
I rise for the weary, to find their way home
I shine for the captain, steering his course to Rome
My countenance blushes for creatures nocturnal
Through me, some are blessed, and some cursed eternal
Pagans adore me as I dance on naked flesh
Farmers keep track of my cycles to thresh
I am pock-marked and dreary, without any friends
But I do enjoy watching how gravity bends
Your waters, your people, I affect them all
Having this power over you makes you seem small
But I wish, and I long, to have a taste of your world
To give birth to a child, watching life unfurl
As the night shuts its curtains, I fade from your view
But soon you forget me, as you're covered with dew
And the morning sun enchants you, a flame to revere
And I slip from your thoughts until a new night is here

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.