
by Sisy Sayachack
Remember our passionate night in June?
My heart never felt so fulfilled, so warm.
For once, I seemed more important than your moon,
As you caressed me in the embrace of your arms.
My heart never felt so fulfilled, so warm.
As your hands glided so gently down my hair,
As you caressed me in the embrace of your arms.
I was lost in a world of just you and me there.
As your hands glided so gently down my hair,
You soothingly grazed the small of my back.
I was lost in a world of just you and me there,
As you tasted the inches of my neck.
You soothingly grazed the small of my back
And softly brushed upon my forehead your lips
As you tasted the inches of my neck
And you traced with your fingers on my hips
And softly brushed upon my lips your lips,
As not only our bodies, but our spirits became one
And you traced with your fingers my hips.
In that moment, it was my heart that you won
When not only our bodies, but our spirits became one
As we gazed into the souls of each others’ eyes
In that moment, it was my heart that you won
For once, I was no longer your star lost in the sky
We gazed into the souls of each others’ eyes
For once in your life, I seemed more important than your moon
In that moment, I was no longer your star lost in the sky
My love, remember that passionate night in June.

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.