At Least

by Nicholas Delgado

Want to
Say thank you
For everything you have
Done for me in the past and
Everything you’re going to do for
Me in the future. I know I haven’t been
The best son in the world, or the best son period.
I know I have cost you a lot of money especially my DUI.
I plan to pay you back every penny I have spent. I’m trying my
Hardest to make you happy even though I know my actions have been
Disappointing to you, but I’m trying to do my best in this cruel harsh world.
I want to say that I’m sorry for the pain and extreme amount of money I have cost
You. Once I graduate college and get my degree I plan on buying you and mom that
Million-dollar house in Pismo Beach. Maybe by then I hope I won’t be such a
Disappointment to you. In the same token have you ever really been a father
To me? You never really ever talked to me or even tried to get to know
Me. You never went to any of my games, or to any performances.
The only thing that you have ever given me was the all mighty
Dollar. You did however give me a safe place to sleep
Every night. I just want to know why the only time
We talk it is about money or it is when we have
Had a few beers. Is this how grandpa used to
Talk to you? If it is, well I guess I have to
Take the good with the bad. I just want
To have somewhat of a relationship.
I guess I want one because of what
My homie told me one night when
We were chillin’. He said don’t
Take your dad for granted and
Try to spend time with
Him, because at
Least you still
Have a

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.