To My Sistas Who Remain Bodies of Light So That We May Not Fall into Darkness

by Ife-Chudeni Oputa
Second Prize, Poetry
You call us chocolate
Sweet thang
Honey baby suga love
Vision of your dreams
Star of your fantasies
“Can a brotha get a piece a that?”
Our eyes roll
Our lips smack
Our necks twist
We lift our hand to our hip and shift our weight to one side
Our lips say, “You ain’t gettin’ nonna this”
        Our minds say, “I still got it”

We tell ourselves we’re not waiting in vain
That we don’t have to settle for aiight over fine
For triflin’ over successful
For boy over man
Lust over love
We tell each other “He’ll come along”
Just be patient
He’s out there for us
        You tell us we’re the one

Sounds of “I love you” echo
Off the walls as we open to you
The gates of heaven
Angels sing to announce your coming
And the streets of gold rise to meet your feet
And you deliver to us pure white silk
To lay upon our throne

Tears ski silently down the slopes of our cheeks
Leaving hot, dry trails
Salting our kisses
The weight of your body still pinning us against sheets
As the sounds of your footsteps echo
The walls are silent

We watch the phone
We watch the clock
We sleep on dirty sheets
Avoiding the stains
The proof of your presence
The hope of your return
We wake with aching backs      broken hearts

The sounds are chilling
We hear each other’s screams
We see each other’s reflections
We feel each other tremble

We know the same fears
We share the same regrets
The memory of the footsteps
        The echoing walls
        The sheets – mustard, rose, lavender, eggshell
But all with the plague from your pure white silk

The white silk that infected our bodies
Weaved its way through our veins
Carved itself into the very fiber of our being
The white silk that lay silent      sleeping         waiting

The white silk that was pulled with the blood from our brown arms
        by white doctors in white coats in a room with white walls
The white silk    that reflects       the white light    at the end of
        the dark tunnel that follows         our too short life

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.