Touring Baghdad

by James H. Preucil

Two young men walk into the void of the night,
their senses heightened, their muscles taut with fear.
The man from the West, warily moves toward the East,
as the Eastern man curiously casts his eyes to the West.

Stepping lightly over shadows of ancient buildings,
painstakingly built with pride by civilizations past,
shortsighted armies of the present, destroy the past,
waging war to achieve peace, for an uncertain future.

The two men approach from opposite ends of the street.
Sharing common goals, each more alike than not,
both wishing for a world without war and strife,
a world of hope and prosperity for their children.

Face to face, the men from the East and the West meet.
Each man will see the muzzle flash of the other’s rifle.
Both men will feel the burning sting of the other’s bullet.
Sadly, neither man will ever know freedom from war.

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© 2013 Fresno City College—The Review / Ram's Tale is a publication of student writing and artwork from the Humanities and Fine, Performing and Communication Arts Divisions at Fresno City College. Authors retain all rights to their work.